Me with my new Toyota 4-Runner

Welcome to The Art of Home Renovations (TAOHR)!
And, I want to thank you for showing your interest in getting to know us! Hi I’m Kyle Gordon, the owner and operator of this business.
I was first introduced to house flipping and renovating some 30 years ago. My wife, mother, father, and I purchased, renovated, and flipped our first property. We purchased a small property in our area from a family estate. This was one of the first of many properties where the owners financed the purchase for us.
On multiple occasions we had the seller’s (usually an estate) financed the property for us, in fact one time I showed up at the loan closing. The seller wrote me a check for $2,200.00 for his part of the taxes. Imagine starting your renovation and flip where the seller gives you twenty-two hundred dollars to use, cool right? This works great when the property is owned by an estate, and needs so much work that banks and mortgage companies wont loan any money due to the properties condition.
My father, had always prided himself in making sure I was comfortable working with tools. In high school I had four years of woodworking shop classes. I had enjoyed working with power tools and building things. He was a carpenter and growing up I loved to work with him during my free time. We had done smaller projects like renovating our downstairs playroom, building shelves, and upgrading the kitchen cabinets. Renovating and flipping property became the next steps in the progression. is a highly credible and reputable source of information for both new and veteran homeowners who are constantly looking for innovative and creative ways to improve their home. This blog is our attempt to help you with your professional or do-it-yourself (DIY) renovation projects and provide you with the information and tools suitable for any job.
Our intent is not to provide legal information or deter you from hiring professionals as we have certainly hired our share of professionals. Our hope is we can help you determine the renovation projects you can feel comfortable doing yourself and where it makes since hiring professionals.
Always keep safety at the forefront of any project and make sure you have the proper safety equipment handy on the job site. Always work in tandem with someone if possible. I hope we can help and motivate you to take on those projects where you feel comfortable and learn new skills.
If there’s any renovation information or tools that we didn’t cover on this blog or in our informational guides, please contact us here or email us at with your suggestions.
Thank you, Kyle Gordon